Global Warming Initiatives

The earth has always been subject to certain environmental latitude to keep the atmosphere in an acceptable and tolerable range of temperatures. Even though, the temperature range is wide, managing the temperatures has been easy. The climate has always had a consistency to match and provide air people can breath, clean water that can be used for domestic consumption and weather that provides the necessary housekeeping Mother Nature demands.

The balance of nature and the environment is being compromised by the human factor. The people have begun to load the system with elements that can be negative when used in mass such as gas for the vehicles, power plants and factories that traps the heat within the atmosphere with their manner of operation.

As a result, India, as well as the entire world will experience temperatures pushed to the extreme, sea levels that will continue to rise and storms that will overtake different areas with unimaginable destruction. There have been scientific predictions that are becoming accurate at alarming rates about the effects of climate change.

Smile Charitable Trust has made a commitment to bring about awareness and educate the people of India about the effects of global warming. The programs will also teach everyone how to take the necessary steps to contribute their part of the solution to wipeout global warming and the negative effects it brings with it.